Experiencing the Engineering Design Process through a Math Lens

NCTM Annual Conference 2016 – San Francisco
Friday, April 15, 2016: 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Moscone 2008

Description: The emphasis on turning your math classroom into a STEM one can seem daunting. How can we bring in engineering authentically? Experience the engineering design process through a math lens and learn how to transform meaningful tasks, such as Barbie Bungee and Catapult Launchers, into challenges worthy of an engineering design team.

Slides: NCTM16 Slides

Handout (PDF): NCTM16 Handout PDF
Handout (docx): NCTM16 Handout docx

Other tasks that could be adapted to the Engineering Design Process Framework:
Barbie Zipline (Pythagorean Theorem, Rate of Change)
Amusement Park Rides (Circular Motion)
Hotel Snap (Surface Area, Profit)
Tinfoil Geometry (Surface Area)
Make Your Own Visual Patterns (Functions)

[The below activities can be found in various textbooks or online sites]
Bouncing Ball Investigation (Exponential)
Mini Golf Hole Design (Angles, Reflection)
Buried Treasure Maps (Triangle Congruence)
Food Container Design (Geometry)